Regina Glas

Teamchefin der Drachen-Nationalmannschaft

As a hang glider pilot, I spend a lot of time at high altitudes. Temperatures often drop below zero. The wind cools you down even more.

The thermal pads help me a lot, my hands and fingers stay warm and I can operate the flight instruments easily. With cold or frozen fingers, this is an impossibility.

Because of my job as a flying instructor and team leader of the men’s national hang gliding team in the German Hang Gliding Association, I spend a lot of time in the mountains. Waiting for hours at the launch site in icy temperatures can only be endured with warm clothing and thermal pads. Whether hands, feet or even the back, the pads provide pleasant warmth and make cold days almost a pleasure.

My pilots from the national team are just as enthusiastic about the thermal pads and use them for training and competition flights. Tip: For long flights in cold air, it helps if you stick a pad to the battery cover of the flight instruments, then the battery will last longer.

Thermopads sind für mich nicht mehr wegzudenken, weil ich auch bei Kälte gerne draussen bin, egal ob beim Wandern, mit dem Mountainbike, mit Langlauf und Alpinski oder auch nur zum Schneeschaufeln, wenns mal wieder richtig Winter wird in Oberbayern.

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